Entrepreneurial Mindset and Life Coaching on a Higher Level

If you are a professional, small business owner, or real estate agent in North America struggling to achieve the success you want, welcome!

Unleash the very best, joyful and bravest version of yourself!

I help you find the clarity, certainty, and motivation you need to identify and achieve your professional and personal goals.

How do you want to show up in the world? It is a misunderstood cliche, but behind every plan and every action, your mindset makes the difference.

“Corey played a pivotal role in helping me with two significant challenges: boundaries and balance.  I'm a former Oncology nurse and was trying to get my online business off the ground while working for a company with a toxic work environment. For fear of losing my job, I felt unable to set boundaries and this resulted in a lack of balance within.  The constant sense of stress was wreaking havoc on my mind, body and spirit which was especially concerning given that I already lived with a chronic illness.  

Corey helped me see that I didn't have to take it all "on" and that it was possible for me to set boundaries and balance my self care, while still growing my business.  One of the most valuable lessons he gave me was in mindfulness, until then, I'd struggled with sitting still to meditate.  Corey showed me a new way and it helped me close a painful chapter in my work life and move forward in my business with vision, confidence and motivation.  The techniques he taught me gave me a new lens on life and I still use them today.  Working with Corey is a gamechanger!

Cecile Gough, Business Owner and Sales Professional, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

“If I could give Corey more than 5 STARS I would! I have been coached and mentored by others for years, continuing to up level as needed. Corey's unique skill set of organizational consulting mixed with ICF coaching makes for very powerful conversations. He is asking the right questions using developed listening to get to the heart of the matter. He is not offering solutions, he is asking you the questions so you can see for yourself exactly what will cause a breakthrough in habitual thinking and doing. I am so thankful to his commitment to my success. Everyone I know, business owner or not, could benefit from coaching with Corey. Incredible work.”

Jami Amidon, Real Estate Agent, Raleigh, North Carolina

“My friend and I had been thinking about starting a business for a really long time. After we got qualified, we made plan after plan to get officially started, but after short bursts of focused work, we'd fall back on postponing things. A few months of not doing much passed, and then we had the opportunity to work with Corey. I can't fully express how much that helped! By the end of the session, we were energized to get started again and we had formulated a solid plan to follow, to keep up the momentum. We were able to isolate behaviours and changes that would help us work on the business, and on ourselves as individuals in relation to the business. It's incredible how quickly things can fall into place when you have the right guidance (our business is coming online in one week). Corey has a knack for unearthing profound insight, is amazing at holding space, and asking the right questions to discover the best solutions for yourself”.

Thanks for everything! Cristina Tataru, Business Owner, London England


Book a free consultation

Booking a consultation gives you an opportunity to ask questions and learn about my process. We’ll get a feel for each other and see if your goals align with what I offer. I can’t wait to meet you!

Coaching is an investment in your life and career

Coaching goals are often concrete and tangible like building a business or getting a promotion.

Sometimes, they are less concrete like wanting to live with more joy or improve your relationships. These are also appropriate topics for our sessions together. You are a complex person, and there is much more to you than what is defined by your profession.

Coaching is an investment in your life and career, because the positive impact of coaching can often ripple throughout other areas of your life.


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